Founded in 1959, Hawkins Cookers Ltd. is a professionally managed, public limited Company. In the 12 months ended September 2022, sales were Rs.1034 crores, up 13.8%, and Profit After Tax was Rs.94 crores. Hawkins is the leader in the Pressure Cooker market and has diversified successfully into the Cookware market. Hawkins has offices in Mumbai and factories in Thane, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.

                           Hawkins is known for its fair policies and ethical practices. Hawkins emphasises incentive payment by results and selection and promotion purely on merit. Hawkins has a well-established Management Training Program which leads to jobs in the Management cadre in 18 months. Trainees who successfully complete training are confirmed with an appropriate increase in salary and benefits. Fresh Graduates may apply. Persons with relevant experience may start higher.          

                                         Candidates should be 21 to 28 years of age. Applications (which may be typed), duly signed, giving full details of age, education, mobile number and experience, if any, should be accompanied by a note (about 200 words) in English in the candidate’s own handwriting on “Reasons why I am interested in joining Hawkins”. The application may either be uploaded on the link given below the job description or sent by post/ courier to Senior VP Personnel, Hawkins Cookers Limited, Maker Tower F 101, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005, mentioning the job applied for on the envelope. The selection process shall consist of screening of applications and written tests at various centres all over India. Candidates shortlisted thereafter shall be called for a Group Discussion and Final Interview in Mumbai for which return rail fares shall be paid. Apply promptly.


May be posted in important towns in various parts of India. The job involves travelling intensively, managing dealers and modern retail, and achieving sales targets. May have the opportunity, based on performance, to attend Foreign Conferences. After some Sales experience, promising candidates may be moved to Marketing.

Technical/ Engineering

Diploma holders, Engineering Graduates and Postgraduates needed in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Tool Design and Manufacture, Process Engineering and Machine Design, Product Design, Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain, Material Science or Robotics.


Knowledge of Industrial Relations, Intellectual Property, Legal Metrology, Labour Laws, Contracts and Commercial Law will be useful. Company Secretary qualified persons may also apply.


Good practical knowledge of one or more of the following needed: C++, C#, SQL, Java, ASP.NET, HTML/CSS, XML, Python, Android, DART, React Native, Tableau or Power BI.

Remuneration Per Annum
During Training: Rs. 8 to 10 Lakhs
On Confirmation: Rs.10 to 12 Lakhs

How to Apply

Hawkins Cookers Limited
F 101, Maker Tower
Cuffe Parade
Mumbai (Bombay) 400 005
TEL: +91-22-2218 6607
FAX: +91-22-2218 1190



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